Support Cardiac Risk in the Young’s screening programme

Support Cardiac Risk in the Young’s screening programme

If I need to be referred do I have to travel to London?

Following a cardiac ECG screening, between four and five percent of individuals will require further investigations. We always take the opportunity of offering these investigations at our CRY Cardiac Centre at King’s College Hospital or at the Olympic Medical Institute. However, we appreciate that some of these screenings take place very far away from London and therefore we provide a detailed analysis of our investigations and our provisional diagnosis to the GP and ask the GP to refer locally if the patient or his or her family want more local investigations. But in general, our doors are open, if we’ve started something, we like to finish it. If anyone’s having any difficulties being referred locally, we would be more than delighted to perform all of these investigations here in London.

Please note: since this video was filmed, CRY’s screening activities at King’s College Hospital and the Olympic Medical Institute have been relocated to the new CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology, based at St George’s Hospital in Tooting.

people screened since 1995

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