Support Cardiac Risk in the Young’s screening programme

Support Cardiac Risk in the Young’s screening programme

Will my doctor be kept informed?

We screen several thousand young individuals per year and our current practice is to inform the individuals screened, or his or her parents if they’re aged under 16, about the test that was performed and the result. 96% of people that are screened have nothing to worry about and are reassured and this is put in writing to the family of the individual concerned. In 4% of cases, we do identify an abnormality and those abnormalities and planned investigations are relayed to the GP within two weeks of the investigation.
Subsequent investigation of that athlete or that young individual and the results are then further relayed to the GP and if we make a diagnosis or plan treatments, they are also relayed to the GP at a later date. So in summary, if we identify a problem, the GP is kept fully informed throughout the process.

people screened since 1995

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